The patch of lowland rainforest adjoining the Bellingen Swimming Pool and Connell Park playground is being restored and it needs your help.
The vegetation surrounding Cemetery Creek in this area was originally taken over as a Bellingen Urban Landcare Inc. (BULC) site in 1996.
Chairperson with BULC Tim Scanlon said “100 years ago people swam in Cemetery Creek but over the years it became very degraded, clogged with rubbish and infested with camphor laurels and privets.”
“Since 1996 the Creek has been dramatically improved through rubbish removal, weed control and planting of lowland rainforest species and it now supports a great range of wildlife from ducks, water dragons and eels to square tailed kites, wompoo fruit-doves and powerful owl.”
But the work is not done! In celebration of 20 years of restoration by BULC, a working bee is to be held along Cemetery Creek adjoining the Bellingen Swimming Pool on Sunday 27th November from 9am till midday. And it includes a delicious morning tea!!!
Remember to bring some sturdy shoes, sunscreen and a hat.